The skies darkened around 4pm...

... at first it pitter-pattered...

...and then, boy oh boy, it came down really hard.

Some were well-prepared...

...while others tried their best with what was on hand...

...and yet others gave up.

Meanwhile... in the bus, being close to the door spelt trouble...

...while those seated inside only had to worry about steamed up windows.

Kids got along famously with the rain...

... as did some adults!

thanks for representing the most impressive and outstanding look of the above pictures you have added, by
your regarding.
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Beautiful photos Ihtisham, especially the last one :) The rain was amazing that day, wasn't it.
It's one of the things I do love about here - the rain, I love tropical rainstorms. I know they can cause horrendous damage, but when that deluge comes, it is wonderful.
And it cleaned a lot of the muck out of the air - a couple of nights later it was a clear evening and we could see the stars.
Since then we've had some real, sunny days, the first in a long while.
Hi David, Good to hear from you. Thanks! I love that rain, as do many others - a papaya vendor was raving about how much he loved it. Nice to have the sun after so many smoggy days.
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